Category: Arduino

  • An Arduino-based programmer for the AT89C2051 chip – part 3

    Part 2 I’ve mainly been writing programs for the AT89C2051 (and relatives) using the SDCC compiler under Linux, so it was inconvenient to run my Windows program for communicating with the Arduino, every time I wanted to program a chip. I’ve now written a Python program, that runs from the command line, so can be…

  • LGT8F328P ISP programming

    The Logic Green chips are enhanced clones of the Atmel ATMega328 chips, used on Arduinos such as the Uno and Nano. The Logic Green chips will mostly run the same code as the Atmel chips, but they can also operate faster, optionally on a lower supply voltage, and have extra features such as true analogue…

  • 12864B V2.0 LCD module

    It’s 128×64 monochrome pixels, with a backlight, and can display graphics and ASCII text. It can also display Chinese, Japanese, Korean, characters using built-in fonts, but I didn’t investigate those facilities. Using the built-in ASCII font, the text resolution is fairly low – four rows with sixteen characters per row. The graphics can be switched…

  • Reading Arduino fuses using USBasp from Linux

    Change to the directory where avrdude is located. If you don’t know, you can search for it with: sudo find / -name avrdude (find can take a long time to search the whole filesystem. You can interrupt it with Ctrl-c). For example, on my system (Linux Mint, May 2022) it was in a subdirectory of…

  • Arduino Due in Microchip Studio Part 1

    Detailing my bumbling attempts to get everything working without the complexity of learning ASF. To follow this guide, you’ll need: A Due (obviously), Microchip Studio (formerly known as Atmel Studio, but it’s the same thing) which is free, and an Atmel-ICE Debugger and Programmer. The last item is expensive, but there are probably cheaper alternatives?…

  • E-paper display module driven by Arduino

    These E-paper displays work well and look nice.  At the time of writing you can get the 1.54 – inch size (200 x 200 pixels) from Banggood, but there are other sizes in the same range and my code should work with the bigger ones too.  I have one on order to test.  Search on…

  • Decoding FrSKY telemetry data with an Arduino – Part two

    In part one, we looked at the standard FrSky ‘D series’ data packets that provide voltage and RSSI information.  In this part two post we’ll consider the data format used by standard FrSky telemetry add-ons and how to decode the data from those without using a Taranis transmitter or a commercial display unit.  In part…

  • Decoding FrSKY telemetry data with an Arduino

    I used a FrSKY D4R-II receiver and a DHT DIY Tx module with an Arduino Pro Mini for the purpose of this post.  These FrSKY products use the older “D mode” telemetry and the DHT module is now discontinued, but I’ll be updating this post to deal with the newer S.Port Telemetry soon.   There…

  • An Arduino-based programmer for the AT89C2051 chip – part 2

    Part 1 Here’s the software necessary to work the programmer board: Arduino sketch (for Arduino Mega 2560) PC program See also part 3 with a Python program that runs under Linux Here’s a screenshot of the program in operation.  It should all be fairly self-explanatory.  Please send me a comment if you have any problems…

  • An Arduino-based programmer for the AT89C2051 chip

    The Atmel AT89C2051 is a low cost microcontroller in a 20-pin DIL package.  It runs MCS-51 (commonly termed ‘8051’) code.  It works from 2.7V to 6V at anything from 0 Hz up to 24 MHz.  It has 2K bytes of Flash memory to hold the program and 128 bytes of RAM.  It has 15 I/O…